Bringing Science to Your Feed Bin
Equine nutrition can be confusing, yet owners have voted health and nutrition the topics they most want to learn about! With that goal in mind and the belief that better information makes for healthier horses, educating horse owners is a key responsibility for equine veterinarians, and the key role of Jenquine.
By Dr Jennifer Stewart
Equine Veterinarian and Consultant Nutritionist - CEO
Dr. Jennifer Stewart, an equine veterinarian with over 40 years of experience, is also a consultant nutritionist who has formulated feeds and supplements for international horse feed manufacturers. She graduated from the University of Sydney and has worked in the USA, England, and Australia, including roles at major universities and as an official veterinarian for the Australian Jockey Club. Dr. Stewart is passionate about equine nutrition and its role in managing and preventing diseases, aiming to bring 'science to the feed bin.' With extensive experience in research, lecturing, consulting, and writing, she has a deep understanding of equine health, performance, and nutrition.
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Recommended and used by Vets
Australia owned and operated